Simon Skjodt Assembly Hall began operations as a COVID-19 vaccine clinic to eligible Hoosiers earlier this week. Yesterday, vaccine scheduling in Indiana opened up to anyone over the age of 16, which in turn made the majority of the student body eligible to sign up.
In an effort to urge reluctant students to make an appointment, directors at the vaccine clinic proposed an initiative to hand out $25 Upstairs Pub gift cards upon receiving the second dose of the Pfizer vaccine. Students are now signing up in droves and appointment slots are being quickly filled through the end of the month. One student, Bryce Chadington, reports his initial hesitancy was quickly squashed by the clinic’s new incentivization program.
“My parents told me not to get the vaccine because the government can use it to track you,” Chadington stated. “But honestly I’ll take that risk because I go to Upstairs at least three times a week.”
Leaders involved with the opening of the Assembly Hall clinic expressed their satisfaction with the program’s popularity. Representatives from the Indiana Department of Health worked alongside Indiana University faculty to implement the innovative program. The director of vaccine initiatives at IU made an insightful remark:
“If you’ve ever stapled your underwear to the Upstairs ceiling, you shouldn’t be worried about what’s in the vaccine anyways. We’re excited to see where this new initiative takes us.”
For accurate and serious information regarding COVID-19 or scheduling your vaccine, please visit