Of course we've all cruised with the windows down at some point each summer to Third Eye Blind's "Semi-Charmed Life" or "Never Let You Go", but they may not be the band that tops everyone's concert bucket list.
After this Sunday's performance at Governor's Ball in NYC... You need to put them there.
The band came out dressed in all black with a simple background that said "Third Eye Blind" in white script that remaind the same for their entire set. The appeared to have an elaborate light set up behind them, but since their set was at 4:45 pm, it was impossible to see any light design. The stage setup was clean, minimal, and it didn't add to the performance because it didn't have to.
A large cheer erupted from the growing crowd as the five guys took their places on the stage. They immediately went into a jaw-dropping performance of "Graduate" that had everyone losing their minds.
The crowd varied in age from teens in basketball jerseys to middle aged adults, but there was not a single person in the crowd who wasn't dancing like they didn't have a care in the world and singing along.
After the second song, Stephan Jenkins took a quick break to let everyone know that he actually had bronchitis and was really nervous about performing. Since the band had been looking forward to the show they decided not to cancel, and I have never been more grateful.
They continued to play hit after hit after hit with energy that you wouldn't expect from a band who has been performing for over 20 years. Although I openly stan 3EB, my friends who were casual listeners also knew a majority of the songs. There were only two that we didn't all know, one of which was new music, which made for a pretty satisfying setlist.
There was such a positive energy in the crowd and it felt like a completely judgment free zone for those who wanted to thrash, scream lyrics, and cry (yeah, I did all three). As festivals become a more mainstream summer activity for those who are looking for an excuse to drink overpriced booze and attempt to improve their Instagram aesthetics, crowds like this are increasingly hard to find. I walked out of the crowd with a giant smile on my face saying "Damn, they rocked!" and high-fiving all of my friends, which is something I haven't done at a festival since Kendrick at Bonnaroo in 2015.
Stephan Jenkins kept referring to this concept he called "real face" the entire time: the idea of a face that is positive, joyful, and only saying "hell yeah"! Third Eye Blind made me show my "real face" for the first time in a long time.
So next time Third Eye Blind comes to your city make sure you don't write them off as some dudes that peaked in the 90s. I promise they will give you an experience that will make you very happy to be alive and in the moment with positive, carefree people surrounding you.