BLOOMINGTON - Brand new to the local music scene, Alley Oops, a basketball-themed cover band of the ever-rising Bloomington native band Hoops, has been added to the Culture Shock 2018 lineup.
Alley Oops formed when the members of the band wanted to cover the music of Hoops and give it a little Hoosier twist by crafting lyrics with zany basketball lyrics and lingo since the band's name is Hoops and they're from Indiana and everyone from the Midwest knows how Indiana loves its basketball.
So far the band has only released a cover of their song "Cool 2" off their 2016 self-titled EP called "I Wish I Could Be Cool 2 and Make the Varsity Team". The band is currently working on its debut album that's a cover of Hoops' debut album Routines called Routines To Get You in Shape for the Big Game. Some songs to look forward to on the album include a cover of "Sun's Out" called "Sun's Out (It's Time to Play Some B-Ball)" and a cover of "Rules" that's actually just called "Rules".
The band's live performance at Culture Shock is not one to be missed. A halftime show during their set in which members of Alley Oops strap on their candy-striped pants and dunk off a trampoline is planned as well as a song performed with a synchronized basketball dribble beat à la "Get'cha Head in the Game" from High School Musical.
A rumor has been circulating that IU Mens Basketball Head Coach Archie Miller will be introducing the band's Culture Shock debut due to how instrumental Hoops' music was in Miller's decision to come to Bloomington.