Earlier this year, Indiana University and WIUX announced that the student-run radio station would be relocating to new facilities in the IU Media School. The first big steps in that relocation were announced in a press conference earlier today, when a university spokesman announced that the station house at 717 East 8th Street would be moved, in its entirety, to sit inside of Franklin Hall this summer. The process is one that, according to a university spokesman, should be a smooth one.
"We are sort of looking at a reverse claw-machine, drag and drop type of deal," the spokesman said. "We're basically going to pick up the house with a crane, drive it down the street, and put it through the wall of Franklin Hall and drop it into the center of the atrium. That's really as far as the plan goes at this point. After that we're just going to kind of roll with it, I guess."
One WIUX staff member is looking more forward to the WIUX station move now that the new process has been announced, stating that "a lot of people worried about what could happen to WIUX's culture once we left the house. But now, if they just put the whole house in the middle of a university building, everyone's needs are satisfied. We keep the house, but the university gets to monitor us more." The same staffer went on to say, "at the very least, we should just be happy that we don't have to pack up the station anymore. Everything will be carried over inside of the house when it gets craned to the new location, so we will probably save some money on boxes."
Faculty members in the IU Media School all seem to be giving the new plans mixed reviews, with one professor stating that placing the house in the middle of the school's atrium would be an "astounding accomplishment in the field of wasting space." Another faculty member went on record to say, "I am so happy that, despite all the money we spent on the new atrium in Franklin Hall and preparing to have WIUX move into the new building, we were able to come to such an even compromise. We really think that putting a house in here is the only way to ensure both a preservation of culture at WIUX, along with a prospect for future collaboration in student media. I used to be really against it, but then the dean said that I could drive the crane and be the one to use the house as a wrecking ball to demolish its way into the new Franklin Hall location."
Plans are in the works to allow WIUX members to purchase tickets to ride in the house during the relocation process. The Pure Student Crane Ride is tentatively scheduled for August, with pricing and dates to be announced by the end of April. The university says the construction project will be a "quickie" and plans to have the station up and running again in full capacity by September.