Diane Coffee has an effect on you: mesmerizing and utterly unforgettable. The band, an aesthetically pleasant conglomerate of glam pop meets 60’s rock, has entertained the people of Bloomington twice within the last year. Nothing less than charming, front man Shaun Fleming was passionate and engaging. He is a showman – utilizing the entire space of the stage, bending down to serenade joyous fans, and expelling good energy to all corners of the Bluebird. About three quarters of the way through the show, he left the stage, allowing the band to transition into a new upbeat melody, at which point he returned dressed in a completely different and slightly gender bending outfit, complete with flashy headpiece. Diane Coffee’s ambiance is warm and lighthearted, as theatrical as it is contagious. The concert plastered a smile on my face from start to finish.
Diane Coffee’s new album Everybody’s a Good Dog was written in Bloomington and last night, the high energy at the Bluebird demonstrated how much Bloomington residents loves their local music.